Decent Work Country Programmes

Decent Work Country Programmes (DWCPs) are the ILO’s programming instrument at the country level. They provide a framework that identifies the priorities of ILO constituents in a country and specifies the planned support of the Office to the achievement of results under those priorities. They are developed with full participation of national governments and employers’ and workers’ organizations and are implemented with their active engagement. Country ownership and results orientation are key aspects of DWCPs.

DWCPs are aligned with national development priorities and with the United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework. They constitute the ILO’s contribution to the wider UN effort in a country towards the achievement of the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals. 

In supporting country priorities identified in DWCPs, ILO programmes build on synergies and complementarity of operations, bringing together diverse sources of funding for the achievement of common outcomes, greater scale and impact.